i wonder if that is considered a part-time job.
cause its helping out at karen's ex supervisor wedding.
will get ang bao ba.
if not I'll curse her.LOL.
then hope she will give a reasonable sum too.
if not,I'll curse her too.wakakas.*evil laugh*
have to wake up very early loh.
have to reach there at 5.30am.
its on 27 January,sunday at ang mo kio.
so early also no public transport.sian.
then the damn cab fares also rise.
i die die won't take de.
still got mid night charge leh.
i rather sacrifice my sleep then money.LOL.
cause we can take the night rider.
but need to wake up even earlier.
cause we need to transfer bus,
then the last bus for the second bus that we're taking ends at 3.30am.
omg.3.30am lehs.
then what do we do for 2hours?
do nothing.lols.
haix~ don't know how.
haven't informed the rest yet. =.=lll
think it was not worth our time.
have to stayed up late and there's no transport.
i doubt the ang bao she give will be good.
even if its $20 i also don't think its worth it.
so we are not going already.
went to trim my fringe just now.
but the person like a bit over trim.
don't quite like it. =/
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